What audience would be more likely to pick up this magazine?

Friday, 26 November 2010

Final choice of genre and Audience.

Genres I have thought about:
  •  RnB
  • Individual/independent
  • Rock
  • Metal
  • Pop
  • Retro
  • Dance
  • Punk
  • Alternative
Taking everything in to account from the things I have researched I have decided that my final chosen genre is Inde/Rock and roll/Retro. This makes it a lot more vintage and adds some of the old indie into it as well as the new that is seen today. From my research I found that this genre is very popular and so it would appeal to an audience today. As most of the magazines I have researched with this genre show mostly male artists, I have decided that I will use a female band and a male band to make it more specific that the audience is both male and female. My audience ia generally those between the age of 16-25. I think my magazine would appeal more to this age group as its more about the new fresh faced music that is to enter the bussiness instead of the old. However it has an old take on it as it is coming back on to the scene. It will appeal both to male and female as this genre is liked by both genders. As this style is mostly liked by people of that age I think it will be easier for me to get someone who is this sort of style to appear in my magazine. It makes it not so tricky to get the photos. Based on the age of my audience I have decided to not make my price of the magazine really expensive. I will have it at a price of £1.99. It is not too expensive and they will be able to afford it.

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