These pictures were done by Andy Warhol a famous painter. These are the sort of pictures that people would relete the 60s to. I think my pictures mostly reflect this style and if not and can make them like this with a bit of editing therefore I have decided to focus my magazine more on retro. I am not completely changing my ideas as I still want it to be indie, its basically old indie. I have finally decided which photo I
am using for my front cover as I think I can work with it to make it more retro.
The picture was originally taken in sepia mode as I thought it looked very indie. But since I wanted to make it more retro after some thought, I changed the colour to a yellowy/red colour. I thought I liked this at first but then I did some research and I found that blueis a very common colour to include so I did. I adjusted the colour once again and changed the contrast giving me the perfect colour to connote the 60s. I also cropped it to make it more A4 as I knew that I needed to do that since it was a cover. I am now happy with the picture I have and will use this as the main image on the front page of my magazine.
I also decided to change some of the font again mainly the mast head. I wanted to get the type of writing that Shindig magazine uses for their mast head but couldnt find it. The closest I came to was a font called Cooper Black. It looks like bubble writing and so it works perfectly for what I want.
These are two drafts I did including the cooper black font. I have experimented with two different types of layout that I may choose to have. Having the mast head down the left side may look good but it goes against one of the conventions of a music magazine. You usually find that most mast heads are at the top of the magazine either in the corner or stretched across. The other draft with the mast head randomly placed across the top workes better as it follows one of the conventions and it gives more room for the cover lines.This is probably the one I will choose to use but I may decide to change my mind when in the proess of actuallu creating it.
Colour Theme throughout magazine:
- Black
- White
- Red
- Yellow
- Green
- grey
These colours are a mixture of colours that are associated with the 60s as well as indie and rock and roll. I want to make it as retro as possible but also want to keep some of the darkness throughout to cover the aspect of rock and roll. However I think that the rock and roll has sort of come through with the pictures. (smoking and drinking)
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