What audience would be more likely to pick up this magazine?

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Evaluation for College front cover.

For this task I decided to create a college magazine front cover for Wyke Sixth Form College, that targets those between 16-19. The specific audience is the students that attend Wyke as well as those who are thinking of attending Wyke in the future.  To do this I had to take a collection of photos and piece them together with font and other images, including a bar code and catchy sell line to create an inspiring, professional cover.

In order to complete this task I had to research a number of additional College magazines for ideas and inspiration. From my research I found that some of the conventions of a college magazine had to be based in mine other wise it wouldn’t work. I knew I had to include the basics such as, a masthead, sell line, images and cover lines. These key features are usually different on all type of magazines and so I knew that when it came to positioning and naming mine, it would be quite a relaxing job. Including them is what resembled the conventions of current college magazines. I also found that many college magazines always included the institution and so I thought that if I included it as well it would be much easier to tell what the magazine is for as well as relating to other sources I have looked at. The two specific magazines I researched were very different to each other which gave me a wider range of choice for my product. The Grimbsy college mag was a lot more less formal and gave more of a good impression with the images and colour schemes. Whereas the Emmanuel college mag was a lot more serious and simple. This lead me to believe that there are many different ways of producing a college magazine depending on what you are aiming for. I liked the fact that  Grimbsy College took a risk with theirs and thought that I could maybe do the same. However I liked the fact that Emmanuel went for one image to leave more for the imagination. I liked this idea for my college magazine and I initially knew that I would use just one photo, but unlike Emmanuel, I wanted it as my background instead of using a plain colour to border it. I experimented in my sketches by having more than one person on the cover but I still liked the idea of having one individual as a representative of Wyke. I think I covered some of the conventions of a college magazine but think I could have tried to make it look a bit more like it is for students.

I have chosen to use a female model to appear on the front of my magazine as I think it has a more calmer approach to it plus the photos I were aiming for would work a lot better with a girl. I chose Scarlett to appear in the photos as she is confident, casual and comes across as well behaved, mature student. Taking the photos was the easy part of creating this magazine as I knew what I wanted and It was easy to do. I didn't initially take lots and lots of photos as when I looked through the photos whilst in the process of taking them, I liked the ones that had already been taken and I could picture them on the front cover. I liked the fact that I didn't need to take up much time collecting the photos because I then had time to start planning early. But I wish that I had experimented with my photographs by using more than one person in them like I did in my sketches, this way I would have had more choice for my final piece and I could have resulted in a better product. Despite this, I was happy with the collection I got and chose the right photo according to the representation of it. I think the photo I have used for my cover gives a good impression of the college as it gives a good representation of the students. Scarlett appears mature, sensible and confident, which looks good for selling the college. Also her facial expression makes her look like she is proud to be there which says to the audience that every individual are worthy of their place there and are there because they want to be and can be. Overall I think the representation shown through the model and front cover as a whole was quite a good one.

As I have already stated, the audience for my college magazine is mainly the students of Wyke College and those  who are wishing to attend. Therefore the magazine would be sold within the college for a price of £0.50 but also on the college website for those who don't attend. Because it will feature as a download on the website, I would make sure that that copy of the front cover didn't feature a bar code as there wouldn't be a price needed for it. I didn't make a copy of this magazine but it would look identical to the one I did create but without a bar code.As it is a college magazine it is important that the magazine attracts students. I have done this by including a student that attends the college so that it gives a better belief of the good features. I have featured the background of the new area within Wyke so that it is easier to tell what college it is and where it is. I think my magazine will attract the right audience but could possibly do will alterations to make it easier to tell who it is for. I also think that I could have changed some of the colour scheme as the blue text that states the institution isn't that clear which makes it more difficult to tell who it is for. This is something that would help me target the audience in the right way.

One of the main things I would change on my magazine is the positioning of the text.I don't like the way the text just looks really simplistic and boring. I think it looks like I have just placed it there in a rush. I like the idea of this at first but looking back at it I don't think it looks particularly presentable. If I had stuck to my first draft then the text wouldn't be on a diagonal, instead it would be central making it look more professional. In my first complete drafts on photo shop, I experiment with the layout of the text which meant I gave my self a wife range of choice but I think that I could have thought about what fonts and colours they should be so they don't blend in with the background. Another thing that would have looked better, was the highlighted box around the text. Having all my cover lines highlighted, then my cover would have shown consistency which would make it look better. However I do think I have shown consistency with the colours I have used main certain colours and repeated them so it has a theme. After doing a couple of drafts I added more colours, this was to make sure I had bright colours so they weren't unseen behind a black or white background colour.
Overall I think my cover would work well for a college magazine but could do with a few improvements.
My contents page would continue the theme of the reds and white as well as including another background image of the brand new college area. If I had the time I would have took a collection of photos to complete this to a decent standard. In my draft I have shown were certain text would have been placed as well as were my images would be. The remaining background would be a photo with the text placed on it as well as other photographs.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Finished Product.

My Finished College Magazine.

After going back and seeing what I can change I decided that I will change the positioning and colour of some of the text. After I had done this I had resulted in using this version as my final product.

  • Change some of the colours.
  • Maybe have all the cover lines highlighted so that it is easier to understand.
  • Have the cover line 'The new Wyke' a bit bolder.
  • Get rid of the black corners at the top.
  • Maybe use the same font.
  • Good use of bold colours that don't blend with the background picture.
  • I like the photograph used as the background it represents the students quite well and doesn't interfere with the text on the cover.
  • I think a bar code looks more professional.
  • Its spacious and doesnt look cluttered.

This is my final draft of the cover for the college magazine. I did this by collecting photos and text and manipulating them using the computer programme photo shop.

  • Arrange the text differently so it doesn't look cluttered.
  • Maybe have all the cover lines highlighted so that it is easier to understand.
  • Have the cover line 'The new Wyke' a bit higher up so there is more room.
  • Get rid of the black corners at the top.
  • Good use of bold colours that don't blend with the background picture.
  • I like the photograph used as the background it represents the students quite well and doesn't interfere with the text on the cover.
  • I think a bar code looks more professional.

Contents page.

This a draft of my contents page for the college magazine. This was created on microsoft publisher and lacks any detail. However if I was going to complete this to a professional and completed standard then I would choose to use. If I was going to do a finished verison of it I would make sure there was no blue line around the page as it doesnt look professional.

  • Red,Blue,Green and maybe white. For text and for background.
  • The background of this page would relate to thenew outside area to wyke. So maybe an image of the new buildings and the grassy areas. With the text boxes standing out in a white colour.
  • There would be 2 main photos relating to a brief outline of the main stories. One being an introducion to this magazine.
  • Include numbers of pages. Up to 20 pages.
  • I have used one image as an exampleof what I may choose to put there.

Page 1- Introduction of wyke/welcome back.
Page 2- Enrichment Courses
page 3/4- The new improved wyke.
Page 5 -Upcoming events. (Freshers party)
page 6/7 - UCAS
Page 8- EMA
Page 9- Help with anything?
Page 10/11 - I Love New York ?
page 12- Dance Leadership Award
page 13/14 - NUS Cards/offers
page 15 - Wyke Word search
page 16- Stdent Association/Crew.
page 17 - South Africa.
Page 18/19 - The principle welcomes you. (interview)
Page 20 - Next Months Issue / Competition.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

planning for College magazine cover.

Choosing a name
One of the main conventions in any magazine is a mast head and in this case it is the name of the magazine. As my magazine cover is aimed at students of a college, I have decided that a name that gives some inspiration and determination to it, has a more influential appeal to it that may attract the audience I am aiming for.I also came up with a slogan to match each name I thought of as I wish to use a slogan on my front cover. This is also one of the many things a magazine includes.

Mast Head:
Right, Yours, Wise, Real
Sell Line:
Doing it your way,Reaching out to you, Keeping it your way, Its about you.
Date line:
between the 6th september and the 29th September. So the magazine is monthly
Image: Individual,group,teacher.
Individual, Group, Teacher or the building
Cover Lines:
The new building, Freshers party, NUS cards,UCAS.

                                                                  Names and slogans:
Real - Keeping it your way.                                                                            Wise - Its about you

Right - Doing it your way.                                                                 Yours - Reaching out to you

I did a draft of what a cover of a magazine may look like, to show where I may choose to place the mast head and slogan.
I short listed 2  names for a magazine and experimented with the writing.
I think that this name would be quite good for a college magazine as it I feel it gives a message to the students. College life can be hard to adjust to, especially with the fact that this is the start of a life for some people, this is were the Real comes in. In gives the message that this isn't time to be wasted, this is real !! College is an important time of some peoples life. I choose  to use this style of writing so that even though it is an important message just from the connotations it gives out, its a bit more laid back and makes it a bit more less worrying. I think this would work much more than something bold and strong. It lets the students have fun with it.

This sort of gives the same idea as the name 'Real', it is a statement in its own and works quit
e well. It suggests that your future is in your own hands and that is what wyke is all about. It uses the idea of ideology as it suggest that everyone is free to do what they want , its about individuality and doing what you want to do. I think this would work when targeting My audience. It also addresses the audience, by automatically telling them , it is theirs and so this may persuade them to get it. The writing I have chosen gives a big,bold statement and this is the effect I am after.

After a lot of thought, I have decided to name my magazine 'Yours' it is simple but yet effective and gives out the right sort of message to all students.
After choosing the name for my magazine, I decided to draw out a few sketches to plan out what I may want the magazine to look like. This was an easy stage of planning as I could go for any look I wanted but I knew I had to make sure it was acceptable and appropriate for a college student. I had to think about what photographs I wanted to include and how I could make these have a good representation. I experimented in my sketches by having female and male individuals on the cover as well as pairs. In my sketches I thought about the colours of the font I would use and the layout of the actual front cover.I thought about doing sketches that I knew I was able to work with for my final piece.
I knew from the start that my featured model would have to be a student that attend Wyke as if it wasn't, it wouldn't work. I decided that I would feature one person on my cover as a representative of all students that attend Wyke, so when it came to the photos I knew I had to make sure I would use the right kind of student that will give a good impression. This shows I have thought about the representation that will be shown on the front of my college magazine.

Before I took the photos for my magazine I knew that I wanted to take them somewhere based in the actual college as this would look much better and would make it clear to see that the magazine is for Wyke. I thought about having them inside but there wasn't any where that I thought was quite suitable. The cafeteria seemed like a good place but it was hard to get a model who felt comfortable with the idea of having their photo taken in front of others. There also was plain white walls which could look effective but seemed to simple for what I was looking for. So I resulted in the outdoors. As many students will know Wyke has just been rebuilt and so it has a brand new garden area for the students. This was a perfect place for pictures to be taken as not only does it show of the new college but it also looks nice and is appropriate place to take photos
   I then found someone who was comfortable with getting their photo taken and who seemed like a perfectly good student to feature on the front of a college magazine. I chose to have 'Scarlett' as my model as she is confident, appropriate and best of all a student at Wyke. Taking the actual photos was an easy job as she had a natural flare in front of the camera and so didn't mind experimenting with different shots. I varied the shots by having some against a brick wall, a white wall and the new wyke garden. The photos turned out well and I think I got some good shots. When I took the photos I was aware that I had to make sure they were mid shot. I didn't take my pictures mid shot but I knew that I could later edit them if I decided to use them. All my photos were taken around Wyke college as this is the perfect place to have them. All my finished photos offer something different to them which gave me a wider range of choice for my finished product.

This is a plain photo that didn't require much, but I think it still looks effective.
If I decide to use this photo on my magazine cover I will edit it so that it becomes a mid shot.

I like this photo as the background is the new improvements to the college. If I used this in my
final piece I would make the model appear on the right  so that when I place the cover
lines on the photograph, it wouldn't cover Scarlett's face. I also again would crop so that it is mid shot.

I like this photo as I think the brick wall works really well. This is one that I may consider for the final piece
but I am still making a decision. I would crop this photo also to make it a mid shot.

Again this works well against the brick wall background but It wouldnt work well for the front cover
on a magazine, as the text could appear over the face of the model which doesnt look that professional. Again would need cropping to a mid shot.

I really like this photo as it shos a lot of the new area Wyke now has to offer. I think it would work quite well
once edited. This is one I am considering.

This photo was taken in mid shot against a white wall. It wouldnt work that well for a magazine main
image as the writing would over lap the moels face. However I like the fact this photo uses the idea of ideology as the model has chosen to wear a necklace that embraces religion. This shows the college is open to any student that have any particular believes and values.
I like this phtot and I also considered this for my finsished product however I do think that because the model has chosen to stand in this particular position, its like she is stressing which gives a bad representation of the college.

This photo would work but I think the model is performing too much in the photo and it doesnt look
natural and real.

                      What I will Include:

  • Mast Head   ( Yours)
  • Sell Line (Reaching out to you)
  • Cover lines (The new improved wyke)
  • I choose to use this as a cover line as this is particularly new thing that is very current now and so I thought this would be a good idea to do. I am also doing a cover line that mentions the NUS cards that are now available to purchase, as this is also a current situation for Wyke.
  • Bar code ( will be placed some where at the bottom of the cover)
  • Price (£0.50)
  • Dateline (date the issue is available to purchase)
  • Main image ( I will include one main image that will appear as my background as well.
The Image I have decided to use in my final piece is:

I am aware I have not taken this photo as a mid shot therefore I have manipulated it using photo shop.
I trimmed it down and made the model appear more to the right as well as having only the top half of her showing. I rotated the background so that it doesnt appear central leaving the model to appear different. I tried to make it look like I have placed her on a background.

This is the background photo I will use for my front cover. It is now a mid shot and has plenty of room for text, it will not over lap the model, making it look more professional.

My main colour theme will be white and red.
My mast head will be in white as it is clear to see from the background.
Most of the text will be in Red and White as these colours are bold and appear on my background.

Layout of my front cover

This is a layout of what my Final front cover will look like. I have taken into account that I may decide to change my ideas any time and so have considered it may not look like this. I have choosen to have my mast head across the top of my page as it easily states the name of the magazine. In my research I found that some college magazines had their mast head across the top also, this shows I have considered the conventions of the magazine. I will include one picture as my background picture and so have placed my cover lines in places that wont over lap the image in a way that hides it. On my layout the cover lines look quite, this is sort of the look I am going for but hope that in my final result it looks better and actually works.
Working from my first layout I produced this:

This is my first completed front cover which was done as a mock up of the layout I did. However I have decided to change the position of some of the text as I feel it has more of an impact if it wasnt all central. It would make it look less simple and more unique. Also I think that the two cover lines that are placed on the right side of the cover make it look a bit cluttered and one of them over laps the model. This makes it look un professional and so because of this I have decided to change these minor things and redo some of the cover lines. I have changed the writing style and changed the position of some of cover lines as well as deleting some of the coverlines. My first draft looks a bit cluttered and it seems as if I have just placed random text in places that dont work. Because of this, I am glad I changed my first version.

Here is a print screen of me moving and experimenting with the layout of the text. This was done on photo shop.

Analysis of 2 college magazines.

In order of completeing my front cover of a college magazine, I have researched a number of realistic college magazines that other colleges have previously published, as way of getting to know the conventions. One of the ones I have found was a front cover of Emmanuel College's student magazine. I have decided to analyse the features of this magazine,using LIIAR, as a way of identiying what I need to include in mine.

The cover of this magazine isnt very apealing as it uses only a picture and the institution to attract the audience. It lacks the use of colour and only includes black as the main focus. It isnt really creative and is quite boring. As a student wanting to buy a college magazine, I would say that this wouldnt appeal to me and I wouldnt find my self buying it as it doesnt really tell me anything about the college, it just gives a poor interpretation.

The institution is the college , Emmanuel. This is made clear form the rest of the magazine as the logo of the college is included. This is one good thing the magazie has decided to include. If this wasnt included it would be hard to tell that this magazine was for a college as there is nothing more to it. Its too simple.

As this college magazine lacks detail and information on the cover, its use of ideology doesn't come across as well as it could. Also the one picture that is included on the front of this magazine doesnt give a good impression of the college as a whole. It lacks any amount of detail on it and doesnt tell the audience anything to do with what it hopes to achieve or what the pupils are like. This has taught me that to be successful with my front cover, I should be more adventurous and put across the right features including the use of ideology.

As it has chosen to put the institution on , this is the only clue the audience gets that it may be targeted at the students of this college. However as it has expressed its love of black by choosing half of it to be that colour, this gives me an impression that it is meant to be a more formal magazine and could possibly be for parents and maybe even the governors. Its not that clear to who the audience is. To improve this I would have included a picture of a student which might have influenced students to buy it.

The representation on the front cover doesnt come across as good as it could. The picture is hard to makeout and it doesnt really show the best aspects of the college. As for the overall cover, its too plain to represent anything. However I do think it comes across as quite a psoh and formal kind of college, as it doesnt seem to have any fun or enjoyment to the cover. This shows that it hasnt made a good impression and there is serious need for improvements.

Emmanuel College magazine.

Good points:
. Black has being used and this is a very strong and dominant colour thats gives a statement of seriousness.
. There is a photo included to make it look a bit interesting.
. The institution is made clear for the audience and it states it is a college magazine.
Bad Points:
. It isnt interesting enough to appeal to the audience.
. Doesnt include any headings to do with any thing that may be included in the actual magazine.
. Lacks the use of colour, creating a boring and simplistic vibe.
. Goes against some of the conventions of a college magazine.
. The target audience isnt clear enough.

Overall there are more faults with this magazine cover, then there are good. It lacks a lot of detail and doesnt work that well. I have learnt something from this and that is to be more creative with my work and to make sure I cover all aspects of LIIAR if I wish to make is successful.

Another magazine I have researched is one belonging to Grimbsy college. This is a completely different magazine to the previous one I have also analysed and I think they make good contrasts to one another and show the conventions of a college magazine.

The cover of this magazine is more apealing as it has a lot more detial involved on the front that attracts the audience far more.It experiments more with colour, using blue as a main focus. This is a lot more gentle and attractive compared to the black the other magazine offered. Not only does it include photographs but it uses a cartoon type picture that works well for this type of magazine. As a student wanting to buy a college magazine, I would say that this would appeal to me more than the other one as it offers more just from what it looks like and what is presented. Its more creative, efficient and is acceptable for a college student.

The institution for this magazine is the Grimbsy institute of further and higher education, as it clearly states. But it could also be Grimbsy college. However there isnt a logo of the actual college on the cover but as it is full of interesting detail and information, it doesnt actually matter that much, it doesnt do anything to the audience because the cover is already full of what they need to know.This is one good feature of this magazine. It is far more attractive and appealing than Emannuel College magazine.

As this college magazine offers more to the front, such as cartooned images as well as photography, text and colour, it gives a more positive and better vibe to the college than the other one. The people that are made into a cartoon version come across confident and positive. This could indicate that they are happy with where they are giving a good impression of the college. Ideology comes across quite well due to one of the sub headings that is placed on the front cover. 'Booze,drugs and life' states to me that the college like to address these issues to make people feel alittle bit less threatened and make them feel more comfortable. This also looks better for the college.

As they havent decided to state that it is a college magazine you would think that it isnt that simple to tell what audience it is supposed to attract however as the photos and graphics included are of the same age as a student, this makes it a whole lot simple to define. I think this is a much better way of trying to attract an audience as it is appealing to the right audience without clearing up who the actual audience is, this is a good method in advertising.Others could arge that it is specifically directed at male students as it has chosen to include colours that seen as much more masculin but as the photo is female this isnt the case.

The representation on the front cover comes across a lot better than Emmanuel magazine. The grahics/cartoon comes across quite positively which makes the college come across that way. The photo that has been chosen to feature on the front is quite different as the girl doesnt seem to be smiling and looks quite down. This good look bad on the fornt cover as people make get the wrong idea and think she is unhappy but this may not be the case. This is why it is important to be more specific when deciding on how you would like to represent the college.

Grimbsy College Magazine

Good points:
. There is much more detail and information on the front of this cover which informs students about what will feature, so they know what to expect from it.
. Not only are is there a photo but a cartoonised graphic picture has been used.
. The institution is made clear for the audience.
.Its not boring and it is something different.
. The audience is clear evenethough it doesnt state it is a college magazine.
Bad Points:
. Too much of the same colour sometimes.
. The representation could sometimes be misunderstood.
. Its different to any other college magazine and offers something totally unique.

From both of the magazines I have researched and analysed, its fair to say that the better one belonged to Grimbsy College. It is much more adventurous and offered more to it than just plain and simple. This gives me a clearer understanding of the conventions of a college magazine.

LIIAR- interpretation of the brief.

As I am specifically designing a front cover for a college, it is important to put across the right language, you would expect to find on one. This uses the idea of conventions and putting across the right thing for the right audience. One of the things this will include is the main title, known as a mast head. Once I have chosen an appropriate mast head for my magazine ( magazine name), I will make sure that it is bold, eye grabbing and appealing to the audience so that it will make them want to buy it. Without a mast head the magazine would be pretty plain and wouldnt really work well. The audience can get a lot of information from the title of the magazine and this is what I would like to achieve with mine. I will also include a photo, this could include one main one and maybe 2 small ones placed in other parts on the cover.The main photo usually has a link to the main heading and usually is the right type of photo for the type of magazine. In this case the photo would fit better if it was related to wyke college as it would make it clearer that the magazine is for the students.I could also choose to have a slogan to create a more memorable feel to the magazine. Using a tagline could give a message to the audience as well as drawing them in. Its about connecting with your audience and I feel using a slogan is one of the many ways in which you could do this. As I am choosing to have a price for the magazine, I have to make sure my front cover shows a bar code and the actual price. What this does is lets us know how many people have bought the magazine and if it was popular.All of these things are using language and without them, any magazine cover wouldnt look right and so it is important to include the right features in the best possible way.

The college I have chosen to do this task for is wyke sixth form college. This is the institution in my college magazine. Wyke College is a very popular college based in Kingston upon Hull. It gets over 400 applications each year and 50% of these come from the outside of Hull. It offers places to those between 16/19 and they dont have to be necessarily living in Hull, as Wyke also offers places to those that live in eastriding and other surrounding areas. Bus facilities are available for them so that there isnt a problem with them arriving to the college. This shows that Wyke college is a friendly,welcoming place to be and this could come across really well in my magazine.Wyke has just being rebuilt on a £20 million pound budget and there is now more facilities and room for more students to apply for the college. From the start, Wyke only had places for around 500-800 people but as it has increased in popularity due to the excellence of the college, an average of 1300 people attend this college every year.This may be partly because success is a great at wyke and people have picked that up from the outside, especially with 99.7% of people passing their exams. This is a brilliant achievement and this is something that could be expressed in my magazine.

Ideology looks at the idea of everyones beliefs and values being treated fairly and appropriatly. At wyke people are treated with respect and are seen to be kind and considerate students. It is important that the college isnt seen as something it is not and that is why it is glad to have the best students it could possibly have. The idea of bullying and being discrimanted against is one that is looked upon very carefully and that is why there are people that are students are eligable to talk to if they have a problem. On the front of my magazine I may choose to have a student form the college looking happy and determined. This shows that Wyke are a respectful college and deals with the right kind of students. Also at wyke everyone is free to express their individuality and this is something that many students look upon. This is another thing that I think would come across really well in my magazine.

For many college magazines the audience is usually the students but they can sometimes be for the parents and other people. My specific audience is the students that attend Wyke college and also those who dont attend the college but would like to get a taste of what it may be like (16-19). It is easier for a student that attends the college to access the magazine, then for those who dont, but I have given this some thought and the magazine could be avaialble on the college website. This would be free to access on the website and so the barcode and price tag wouldnt really be needed in this case.As the magazine isnt based on one particular subject and is a general overview on the college, this may interest some of the parents of the students and so the magazine may also appeal to them. This shows I have considered the range of audience members I aim to appeal to.

My representation will mostly come through on the pictures I decide to select for my magazine. I think having someone who looks quite happy gives a better impression than someone who looks unhappy and miserable. An appropriate dressed model would also work well as it gives wyke a good impression and shows that the students take pride in them selves and therefore may in their work. I hope to get this message across in my magazine when constructing the front page.

The five things above are always to consider when constructing a piece of work in the media. Without them it would be hard to identify the audience you are targeting for and to know what conventions are needed. It just wouldnt work.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Outline of the brief - College magazine.

For this task I will be completing the front cover of a college magazine and a draft of the contents page to go with it. The college I will be doing this for is Wyke sixth form college.
The front cover will include a photogragh featuring a student that attends the college, appropraite laid-out text and a mast head. This will be done with the help of programmes such as photo shop. This allows me to manipulate my magazine cover how ever I like. Trimming and transforming pictures may take place and its important to use the right programme for this.
Before completing this task I will research a number of school and college magazines for inspiration and ideas. This will then help me to create my own interpretation of how a front cover may look as well as informing me on what features it should include. I have to think about what students I am trying to aim the magazine at and how it can do this. This is why it is important for me to get the right kind of idea across. This is mostly important when taking my photographs.Using the right kind of student allows the magazine to make a good impression of the college.